Healing Power of Color
The History of Color Therapy
Color therapy has a long history dating back to the ancient Egyptians who built temples with radiant colors designed to capture light. Color therapy is also deeply intertwined with Chinese and Indian medicine. In 1878, the American Dr. Edwin Babbitt published his famous work "The Principles of Light and Color." This text was an inspired treatise on various methods of using color in therapeutic settings. Later, in 1933 the Indian scientist Dinshah Ghadiali published "The Spectro Chrometry Encyclopedia." This book became the foundation for most of today's color therapy. Color therapy's historic roots in the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda are still present in today's practices and can be seen in the link between the vibrational energy of each color and its link to the vibrational energy of the chakras or the focal point of energy upon the etheric body.
The Psychology of Color Therapy
Color therapists believe that different colors can have specific psychological effects on people. Although the perception of color is to a degree subjective, there appear to be some effects of color that do have universal meanings. For example, colors within what is known as the cold area of the color spectrum, or blue-purple colors can evoke a range of feelings from calm to indifference.
The Colors Blue, Purple and Indigo
In the ayurvedic system blue is related to the throat chakra and is believed to be able to heal problems directly connected to the lungs and throat. It is used to improve communication through verbal expression and enhance artistic creativity. It is said to promote calming effects and relieve symptoms of high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and irritability.
Purple is the color of the crown chakra which rests at the crown of the head. This color enhances spirituality, intuition, mental strength and collective wisdom.
Indigo relates to the chakra positioned at the third eye (located between the physical eyes). It heals health problems related to the head and eyes and promoted intuition. It is believed to heal the immune system and to cleanse the lymph system.
The Color Red
Red is the color of the base chakra which relates to the spine, and legs. This color is a stimulant and is believed to promote sexual energy, will power and good circulation. It should be used in moderation as it can also stimulate aggression.
The Color Green
Green is related to the heart chakra and is believed to promote stability of the emotions and radiant calm. It is used to rebalance emotional and relationship issues and to combat fear and jealousy.
The Color Orange
Orange is related to the sacral chakra which energizes the reproductive organs, kidneys and urinary tract. This chakra is believed to promote joy and happiness as well as learning and knowledge and to combat confusion, lack of concentration and fatigue.
The Color Yellow
Yellow is the color of the chakra that rests upon the solar plexus. This color is believed to rebalance introversion, shyness and lack of will power. It is also healing for problems of the digestive system. Too much yellow is believed to cause problems with hyperactivity.