How to Use Color to Stimulate Creativity
Choose blues and yellows. Blues and yellows are associated with mental clarity, clear thinking, memory and creativity.
Pick the right shades of blues and yellows. Dull yellows or yellows that have too much green can bring on feelings of fear or sickness. Dark blue, especially if over used can be depressing. An aquamarine blue is probably the best choice.
Set the colors around yourself. Paint walls a light yellow or a light blue in your home or your office. Surround yourself with blue and yellow flowers or hang a picture with blue and yellow colors above your desk. Set the background or wallpaper on your computer to a blue and yellow scene.
Watch your reaction. If you constantly feel too energized, decrease the yellow in your home or work space. If you feel depressed, cut down on the blue. If you find you're drawn to other colors or stepping into your home or your work space isn't a pleasant experience or you wince every time you see your blue or yellow colors, play with other shades or choose other colors.