How to Get Information About Color Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Colored cloth
- Colored glasses
- Colored construction paper
Understand the concept of color therapy. Light energy affects all living things and each color has its own energy vibration. These color wavelengths are absorbed through the eyes, skin and aura. Color therapy enhances the bodies healing processes and emotions by balancing emotions.
Learn how the different colors can be used to balance energy within your body and is paired with the chakras that are associated to each organ or area of the body. Warm colors (red, orange and yellow) are associated with the chakras at the bottom of the body and connect us to our physical self by improving circulation, providing energy and relieving depression. Cooler shades (green and blue) associated with the middle of the body, impact you spiritually and calm you. Purple shades, like indigo and violet, are associated with the top of your body to connect you to your mental energy and deals with your thoughts, spirituality and intuition.
Get an idea of what color therapy can be used for and how it's used. Colors can be used for physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues and can serve as a catalyst for and to compliment other healing processes. Utilize it in your everyday life to encourage health and well being. Use the color descriptions in Step 2, look online, find a color therapist (usually at holistic and alternative medicine practices) and read books on colors and chakras for additional details.
Determine the type of color therapy you want to use. Therapists in color can apply colored light to acupuncture points (no needles) to balance the color chakras, colored fabrics can be place on different areas of the body or a light box can be used.
Think about what your own color preferences and why you may have them. A positive or negative experience in your past can make you like or dislike a certain color. The aversion to a certain color can mean an imbalance in that area or your body, and an attraction to certain colors can mean you're balanced in that area. You can use this awareness to see what areas you should focus on first whether on your own or with a color therapist.
Practice some color exercises on your own by placing cloth the color of each part of your body associated with the chakra color. Relax and breathe deeply for five minutes or more while your body absorbs the colors into itself. You can also stimulate a color area that is lacking by putting water in a glass of that color or put colored paper over a clear glass. Allow it to sit in the sunlight for three hours and drink it.
Heighten your awareness of color on a daily basis. Everything in nature uses color so pay attention to its vibrancy when you are outside or driving. Notice colors indoors as well and think about how they make you feel.