How to Relieve Anxiety Through Color Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
Relieve Anxiety Through Color Therapy
Make an appointment with a color therapist in your area. Browse through the provider directories at the "Holistic online" or "ByRegion Network" Web sites (see Resources below).
Find at-home anxiety reducing exercises in books like "Color Therapy: Healing with Color" by R. B. Amber or the "Language of Color" by Dorothee Mella (see Resources below).
Pick up inexpensive color therapy tools like color swatches and colored water bottles. Invest in moderately-priced gadgets like color card sets and color light cubes.
Consider a complementary therapy for anxiety reduction, such as aromatherapy, biofeedback, meditation or yoga.
Invest in an audio CD like "Good Health Through Color Therapy" by Brad Steiger (see Resources below).
Relieve Anxiety Through Color Breathing
Sit upright or lie down in a quiet and comfortable location.
Imagine your body being bathed in blue light from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet for four minutes.
Imagine green light entering through your navel and spreading out through your body. Take just one minute with the color green.
Inhale the color of your choice, and imagine it spreading through your body.
Exhale and imagine the complementary color leaving your body. Complementary colors are found opposite one another on a color wheel. For instance, the complementary color for blue is orange, and the complementary color for green is red.
Take two minutes to mentally engulf your entire body in white light. Once you're done, gently stretch your body, slowly "waking up" from your color meditation. This is a quick and free way to relieve anxiety just about anywhere--even at your office.