What the Color of Period

The color of a period can vary from light pink to dark red or even to brown. This coloration primarily results from the combination of old blood, fresh blood, and cervical mucus.

Here's a breakdown of what influences the color of your period:

1. Fresh Blood: Fresh blood appears bright red as it exits the uterus and comes into contact with oxygen.

2. Old Blood: As blood stays in the uterus for a longer time, it starts to break down and become darker in color. This results in shades of reddish-brown to dark brown or even blackish-brown

3. Cervical Mucus: Sometimes, period blood mixes with cervical mucus, which is normally clear or white in color. This can alter the overall color and consistency of your period's flow

The variation in color during your period is usually normal and corresponds to different times within your menstrual cycle. However, if you notice extreme changes in color that are accompanied by unusual symptoms, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider.

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