I had severval faint positive tests then just retested and still a very line the be getting darker at 5 weeks?
Here are a few things to keep in mind about pregnancy test lines:
* The darkness of the line is not always an indication of the level of hCG in your urine. Some tests are more sensitive than others, so a faint line on one test may be a dark line on another.
* The darkness of the line can also vary depending on the time of day you take the test. First-morning urine is typically more concentrated and will produce a darker line.
* If you are taking a test early in your pregnancy, the line may be faint or even invisible. This is because the level of hCG in your urine is still low.
If you are concerned about the darkness of your test lines, it is best to speak to a doctor. They can confirm your pregnancy and provide you with more information about what to expect.