What colors do a color blind person have problems with?
In red-green color blindness, the person has difficulty distinguishing between red and green objects. This is because the cones in the retina that are responsible for detecting red and green light are either missing or not working properly. As a result, the person may see red and green objects as the same color, or they may see them as a different color altogether.
In blue-yellow color blindness, the person has difficulty distinguishing between blue and yellow objects. This is because the cones in the retina that are responsible for detecting blue and yellow light are either missing or not working properly. As a result, the person may see blue and yellow objects as the same color, or they may see them as a different color altogether.
In complete color blindness, the person is unable to see any colors. This is because all of the cones in the retina are either missing or not working properly. As a result, the person sees the world in shades of gray.
Color blindness is a genetic condition, and it is usually inherited from the parents. However, it can also be caused by eye injuries or diseases. There is no cure for color blindness, but there are some treatments that can help people with color blindness distinguish between colors.