Meaning of Snowflake Obsidian
Physical Healing
Many alternative healing practitioners find snowflake obsidian helpful in purifying the body of many issues including eradicating the body of bacterial or viral infections. They use it to improve circulation and other vascular problems. Wearing snowflake obsidian jewelry is believed to reduce incidents of muscle aches and cramps and may help the healing of bones in the skeletal system. Problems concerning the digestion system are purified using snowflake obsidian. Crystal healers place snowflake obsidian on the sacral chakra or the base of the spine to heal several problems. They also make an elixir by soaking the obsidian in a liquid.
Mental Issues
Snowflake obsidian purifies the mind keeping it calm even when chaos erupts all around by wearing or carrying it. It clears mental confusion or brings about focus. Tension is often relieved by placing it on the sacral chakra or by rubbing a snowflake obsidian worry stone between the thumb and index finger. It allows self-perception of patterns occurring in life and for past mistakes to be realized, identified and purged. Those that have a problem picking the wrong companion for themselves may see the traits to avoid when picking someone new.
Snowflake obsidian purifies the spirit resulting in spiritual balance by dispelling negative thoughts of the individual and negativity coming from others. It shields the wearer from negative influence. Snowflake obsidian is a protective stone, especially for women because of shielding abilities. It protects from physical, mental and psychic attacks and people that are shy and softhearted benefit from wearing it to keep negativity away. When using to cleanse negativity, cleanse the stone under water.
Snowflake obsidian is often used to scry for something lost. Scrying is an old method of finding things. An example would be to lay a map on a table and hold a piece of snowflake obsidian over it dangling from a chain or chord. Ask where a person might be located and the stone will fall to the map or feel very heavy where that person is located. Placing snowflake obsidian under a pillow may bring about prophetic dreams. Some surgical instruments are made from obsidian and Native Americans used it to make tools and arrowheads.