Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz Hearts
Energy Amplification
The vibrational quality of quartz has many conventional uses, like in the manufacture of watches. Clear quartz crystal vibrates on a high frequency, which means it amplifies positive energy and dispels negative energy. Practitioners believe clear crystal quartz amplifies the intention of the user and is therefore often referred to as a "power stone."
Clear quartz Clear crystal quartz is associated with the crown chakra, and the thought-clarifying properties of the stone make it ideal for use in meditation. It aids concentration and promotes access to the subconscious. A heart-shaped stone accentuates the loving intention of the practice and is particularly helpful for group meditations.
Mental Stimulation
The pure metaphysical properties of the stone are thought to make it beneficial for the clarification of logical thought. It is therefore an excellent crystal to have in the workplace. A heart-shaped clear quartz crystal placed on a desk may have a positive effect on the productivity of the user, aiding perspective and judgment while dispelling the confusion of negative ambient energy.
Physical Effects
Practitioners claim that clear crystal quartz stones alleviate pain, stimulate the immune system and promote the balance of bodily functions. In particular, some believe these crystals activate the proteins responsible for hair and fingernail growth and provide a natural barrier to harmful radiation. Additionally, some people consider the stones to can assist in the treatment of chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone damage, diabetes, fibromyalgia and conditions of the intestine.
Do Crystals Work?
Although scientific proof of their effectiveness has not been sought, many personal testimonies support the belief that the crystals promote emotional, spiritual and physical healing. Most practitioners advise that the healing benefits of crystals like the heart-shaped clear quartz stone should be used in a complementary way, and ought never to replace conventional medical treatment.