How to Use Rocks & Crystals

Many spiritual advisers, including psychics, shamans and holistic healers, believe that different types of stones can be used for specific purposes. Crystals and rocks can channel emotional or spiritual energy or be used for healing. People who believe in the natural influential energies of crystals believe that their power can be felt intuitively, but it's important for them to be cleansed and used correctly to harness their maximum potential.


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      Cleanse your rocks and crystals. There are many methods by which to charge your crystals with positive energy, getting rid of any energy from the previous owner. You can place the stone in a dish covered with sea salt, pointing downwards, and leave it for 24 hours. You can also soak the stones in a mixture of two parts sea salt to one part filtered water, and leave it overnight or 24 hours. Another method is cleansing the stones with a smudge stick. You can purchase a smudge stick, or make one yourself by bundling together sage, cedar, frankincense or sweetgrass together. Then ignite the smudge stick and pass the crystal through the smoke. Other methods for crystal cleansing include exposing the stone to the sunlight or moonlight for a period of time, burying the stone in the sand or purchasing a cleaning crystal to expedite the process.

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      Program your rock or crystal. You can change the ability and intent of your stone by focusing its energy. According to Merlin's Realm, you must hold the crystal or rock in your hand and visualize your intention or desire. You can hold the crystal in your hand and tap it to lock in the programming, or blow on it. Another method is to roll the stone in your hand and state your desires out loud.

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      Wear the stones, or place them somewhere in your home, car or office. The closer the crystals are to your skin, the more they will influence your energy field. Keeping crystals against your skin will have the strongest effect on your being, such as wearing programmed stones as jewelry. You can also put them in your pocket, which will also positively charge the clothes you are wearing. Placing cleansed stones in strategic places such as your car or by your bed will also positively effect your well being, and allow the stones to influence you the way they were programmed to.

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      Use the rocks or crystals for medication or healing. Professional chakra or reiki healers often use charged crystals to heal the body of psychological or physiological ailments. Using crystals can often have a soothing effect or lend clairvoyance, more so if you have programmed your crystals to have such an effect, so crystals are useful to have nearby for meditation or problem-solving.

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