The Metaphysical Properties of Andalusite
Prized for its anti-inflammatory properties, andalusite eases the pain of arthritis, joint inflammation, gout and rheumatism as it heals the connective tissue and skin. Crystal lore reports it heals nerve paralysis and paralysis in joints and muscles.
Some crystal healers claim it influences muscles and nerves, and can reduce spasms. Traditionally, healers used it to increase lactation, balance blood flow and alleviate edema. Crystal healers also used it to reduce fevers and encourage restful sleep.
Metaphysically, andalusite alleviates fear, especially in those who are near death. It encourages moderation and balance, allowing the personality to mature and learn to function independently. It may dispel negative energies so the wearer can cope with stress and transition through change.
Andalusite works with the solar plexus chakra to ease through emotional blockages and trauma, pointing the wearer to possible resolutions. It can transform conflict into harmonious peace.
Metaphysically, this stone has powerful protective and creative energies. It assists the wearers in looking at problems from all sides in order to balance creativity with practicality. It can help the user look into his character without bias, and transform negative situations into positive ones.
Crystal lore says it enhances memory and assists with recall. It promotes focus on a perceived goal and encourages the wearer to stay the course when times are difficult. It reminds her of past victories and illuminates new ways of reaching a goal.
During an illness, andalusite helps the user maintain a spiritual perspective and see the good in the process. It may assist the death and re-birth process by promoting an understanding of immortality, and provide a bridge for "crossing over" from this life to the next.
Those who use it for meditation find it centering and helpful during spiritual journeys. Crystal users report it aids in astral journeys and in finding gateways to move from one plane to another. It may attune the user to her life purpose.
In metaphysical circles, the stone is considered to have prosperity and love energies, and it enhances the energy necessary to manage life well. Financially, it encourages moderation and careful risk taking. It urges the simplification of debt and a balance between want and need. It may allow the user to see a bigger financial picture, so resources are managed appropriately.