How to Charge an Aquamarine Crystal
Things You'll Need
- Aquamarine crystal
- Running water (optional)
- A small bowl (optional)
- Sea salt (optional)
- A pyramid, made of cardboard, wood, paper etc. (optional)
Clear any stray or unwanted energies from a new aquamarine crystal. Wherever you purchased or obtained your crystal, it absorbed energies and influences from the people and things that have touched and interacted with it before you. Clear these energies from the stone by holding in a running body of water, such as a sink tap or stream. If the crystal has a point, aim it into the water flow so that the water flows onto the point of the stone. When you can sense that the stone is clear of stray energies, remove it from the water flow. If you are new to using crystals and are unsure if you can sense energies, place the aquamarine in a bowl of sea salt for at least 24 hours to allow the salt to draw the energies out of the crystal.
Charge your crystal using the natural environment. Laying a crystal in direct sunlight for at least six hours will charge it with the sun's radiant energy. Laying a crystal out in dynamic weather conditions, such as rain or snow will also charge it with beneficial energies.
Charge your aquamarine crystal using a pyramid. Some crystal users believe that pyramids focus and concentrate energies in ways that we can use in various ways. Build a pyramid out of wood, paper, cardboard, or any material that you're inspired to use. Place the crystal beneath the pyramid for a designated amount of time, it can be as brief as one hour, or as long as overnight or even 24 hours. The best method for charging any crystal will rely largely on your personal beliefs. If you don't believe that a pyramid will charge your aquamarine, then it won't.
Charge your crystal by holding or carrying it. Carrying the crystal on your person, whether carried or worn as jewelry, will allow the crystal to absorb your specific energies and be charged by your life force. Any skin contact will enhance the crystal's absorption of your energies, especially holding it in a hand. Meditating on the crystal while holding it is the fastest and strongest way to charge the crystal with your energies. Be careful what thoughts and emotions pass through you when you charge crystals in this way, as that is what you will put into the stone.
Charge the crystal with specific energies that relate to the aquamarine's unique traits. Specialists in the study of healing with gemstones, identify the aquamarine with certain properties. Aquamarine relates to the element of water, so it should react well to clearing by water and charging by rainfall. Meditation on water images or by the ocean, should also enhance the charging of the crystal. Some practitioners use sound vibration to clear, balance and charge crystals. Aquamarines resonate and respond to the tones between G and F# (F sharp). Light-colored aquamarines respond better to the G spectrum, while darker stones prefer F#. Play these tones for your crystals to charge them with their own energies.