Metaphysical Properties of Stones & Crystals
Crystal lore teaches that certain crystals assist the body to heal specific types of conditions and prevent others. For example, ancient Egyptians used moonstones to balance female hormones and ease the discomforts of pregnancy and birth, according to Dr. Flora Peschek-Böhmer. A crystal healer could choose an amethyst if a miscarriage threatens or if migraines accompany the pregnancy, according to Robyn Harton. She might choose a moss agate, known as a midwife's stone, if she wants to improve a pregnancy troubled by gestational diabetes.
Choosing crystals to affect the pregnancy does not mean she would ignore the advice of her midwife or obstetrician. Crystal therapy works cooperatively with medical and alternative medical therapies.
A crystal user employs the same type of discretion when choosing which stone to use for a mental concern. For example, moss agates improve concentration, ease issues with addictive behavior and reduce stress, according to Dr. Peschek-Böhmer. Amethysts ease compulsive and addictive behaviors, according to Harton, easing the person through the process of withdrawal. The 12 Step Sobriety Stones recommends azurite for dealing with addictive behaviors, because it helps the person turn loose of old patterns and habits and embrace healthier ones. An addict could use crystals to supplement drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Metaphysically, malachite promotes understanding and spirituality, which could aid recovery from addiction, according to Dr. Peschek-Böhmer, and amethyst brings clarity to the mind. Green calcite brings knowledge of divine love, according to, and supports the user through transitions. It soothes the heart and aids in learning new lessons, including spiritual ones.
Dr. Peschek-Böhmer reports that Native Americans consider calcite a holy stone and believe it connects them to the gods.
Amethyst promotes forgiveness and brings freedom from fear, according to 12 Step Sobriety Stones, and malachite releases guilt. They report that sodalite is particularly effective for releasing fear, shame and guilt that can improve emotional health and recovery. Adding moonstone to balance and master the emotions as you process feelings shifts your emotional health in a positive direction, according to Gemstone Gifts.
Malachite improves the energy of a room and draws out negative energy, according to It may protect you from the environmental chaos caused by excessive electromagnetic energy. There are claims that it can protect you against unhealthy business associations and lead you to those that will benefit you economically, according to Dr. Peschek-Böhmer.