Stones Used for Healing
People of Burmese descent hold the ruby as a sacred stone that senses trouble, keeps nightmares away and changes from its natural red color if an ill person wears it as jewelry. To Burmese people, the ruby signifies power, love, dignity and peace. Rubies tend to get hot, so wear them with caution in warm weather. Wear rubies on the left side in order to heal such ailments as meningitis, fever, eye problems, anemia, digestive diseases and heart malfunction. Grind rubies into a fine powder to assist in healing snake bites and excessive bleeding.
Blue Sapphire
Hindus consider the blue sapphire to be a sacred stone which improves allergy troubles, heals cancer, cures jaundice, restores hair loss, improves liver function, heals ulcers, restores healthy blood cells in anemic patients, soothes joint-related disorders such as arthritis, and wards off epileptic seizures. Dip this sacred stone in cold water to heal eye troubles. Hindus believe the blue sapphire's healing properties are most powerful when you consume it in powder form with honey or garlic juice.
Pearls are a stoned gem found deep within the shell of an oyster. Pearls stand for peace, chastity, purity and innocence. Hindus believe that you should crush pearls to powder form and dissolve them into wine in order to cure ailments such as breathing disorders, tuberculosis, indigestion, menstrual irregularity, heart disease and high or low blood pressure. In stone form, the luster of a pearl depends upon your general health when you wear it.
The coral is a white or yellow stone that changes color to give you health warnings. A coral also symbolizes a happy marriage and wards off negative spirits that cause accidents and injury. The coral eases arthritis, heals blisters, cures bronchitis, soothes backaches, relieves constipation, relaxes cramps, fights off the common cold, cures diabetes, prevents miscarriages, brings down fever, dissolves gallstones, removes jaundice, and even prevents and heals such diseases as malaria, measles and mumps.