Effects of Beryl
Effects on the Spirit
Traditional gemstone lore says that Beryl strengthens the belief in God. Beryls are known as Seers Stones and were sometimes carved into round, flat mirrors for scrying. Beryls have been worn to attract love and exchanged by lovers to strengthen the relationship. According to Shimmerlings Jewelry website, Beryl has been used by crystal practitioners to enhance sex appeal and erotic feelings. Bixite is reputed to bring relational harmony and enhances compatibility. Goshenite is used to encourage truthfulness and strengthen relationships.
Effects on the Body
In keeping with its early use as eye wear, Beryl has been used to treat eye problems and diseases. According to the Bernardine Fine Art Jewelry website, Pliny cured eye injuries with powdered Beryl in ancient literature. Beryl has been used to relieve liver disease and swollen glands. It has been used to detoxify the body and alleviate stomach and bowel issues. According to Shimmerlings, Greek physicians used Beryl water to treat kidney stones and bladder infections.
Effects on the Mind
According to crystal lore reported on Peaceful Mind, Beryl protects the wearer from manipulation and persuasion. It can be carried to reduce fear and increase happiness and optimism. Beryl, especially in it's Emerald form, is believed to bring understanding, wisdom and to improve the mind's ability to retain information. Beryl can be carried in an attempt to help filter out distractions and relieve stress. According to "The Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic," 16th century magicians prescribed Beryl for use in debates and arguments. It was believed to bring victory to the bearer, while also causing him to be amiable and well-mannered. According to Shimmerlings, Aquamarines are believed to bring courage, fortitude and peace and may assist with communication issues. Morganite is believed to balance emotions, ease separation issues, and encourage empathy, compassion, patience and self-control. Bixite may enhance creative energy and Heliodor is reported to bring mental clarity.
Effects on Outer Circumstances
According to Dr. Flora Peschek-Böhmer's book "Healing Crystals and Gemstones," if you wear Beryl while on water, you are protected from drowning, against seasickness and against storms. Beryl is believed to protect the wearer from other travel dangers. Ancient lore reported by Shimmerlings suggests that you should hold a Beryl in your hand and visualize a lost object and the stone will reveal its location. Beryl is also believed to assist it's owner's rise in power and position.