Properties of Sugilite
Physical Healing Properties
Sugilite calms and soothes the nervous system and treats nervous system disturbances. This crystal effectively treats epilepsy, dyslexia and motor dysfunction. Sugilite eases all kinds of pain and inflammation, especially headaches and muscle pain. It filters and removes toxins from the blood and lymph systems. This crystal is believed to be able to combat malignant disease in people and animals, even if the disease is in an advanced stage. Sugilite balances the adrenal, pineal and pituitary glands.
Mental Healing Properties
Sugilite is thought to assist the individual who possesses it to act logically and with determination. He finds self-control through the reduction of hostility, anger, jealousy, prejudice and wounded emotions. This crystal provides him with a sense of freedom and hope. Sugilite provides strength to endure uncomfortable situations and courage to apply one's convictions. It enables him to move forward with a more sure and firm conviction.
Sugilite also integrates the possessor into the physical world and into new surroundings. Crystal healers claim this crystal assists children to learn to read and write and incorporate new knowledge. It balances right and left brain functions.
Sugilite can prevent its possessor from being lost in daydreams and being easily taken advantage of. It supplies strength and courage to stand up for the authentic self and sincerely held beliefs.
Emotional Healing Properties
Depression, despair and stress are reduced by Sugilite; bringing peace of mind and emotional wellbeing. Sugilite brings an assurance that one is loved. This crystal reduces the effects of shock and disappointment and eases the transitions that naturally follow loss. Relationship harmony and the expression of love may be strengthened by Sugilite.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Sugilite strengthens spirituality and the aptitude for healing. This crystal supports and amplifies psychic and channeling abilities. The possessor gains the support to manifest her natural gifts and finds the strength to use them. It may assist her to get in touch with her spiritual guides. It enhances crystal-healing abilities and may aid healers to bring spirit and light into the physical body and heart for healing at all levels.
Sugilite works especially well with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
Protective Properties
Sugilite effectively provides all kinds of psychic and spiritual protection. If the owner will listen, it will warn and alert him or her of danger. This crystal will protect the possessor against harsh realities and unwanted energies.