How to Heal Using Crystal Agate

Crystal agate has been used as a folk remedy for fertility concerns, as it was believed it could ward off miscarriages and alleviate the discomforts of pregnancy. It has long been associated with the ability to induce relaxation, calmness, balance, and pain-relief. It is also known for its ability to stimulate analytical thinking, and assist with issues regarding money and confidence, as well as dizziness, headaches, nerve damage and blood sugar imbalances. Agate can be cleaned using lukewarm water, and it may become more energized by placing it in the sun, or in the moonlight.

Things You'll Need

  • Crystal agate
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  1. Healing with Agate

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      Choose your healing agate based on what your particular issue is.

      Determine what type of healing you need. All types of agate have some properties in common, however, there are many varieties of agate and each comes with its own unique properties that can help you through particular areas of difficulty.

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      Crystal agates come in a variety of colors: black-banded, blue lace, fire agate, moss and red-banded.

      Choose the type of agate that has the healing properties you need. Black/banded agate is good for issues of security as it is a grounding stone that helps bring health and prosperity. Blue lace agate assists in healing emotional wounds. Botswana agate can alleviate depression, and is good for people who smoke or wish to quit smoking. Fire agate can help you relax, and ease stomach issues. Moss agate can increase self-esteem and bring emotional stability. Purple agate allows for vision, insight, and raised consciousness. Red/banded agate promotes health and physical well-being, assisting in the healing of wounds, rashes, anemia, and more.

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      Place the stone where it can be most effective, depending on the issue you are trying to resolve. You can put it directly on your body if the issue is a physical one, or you can place it in your home or office or anywhere you are trying to initiate change. You can also carry the stone with you in your pocket or wear it around your neck to help you throughout the day.

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