The Healing Properties of Gemstone Beads
Amethyst is a popular stone among healers. Healers often wear amethyst to help focus their healing energy. According to lore and tradition, it can relieve physical and emotional pain, bolster the production of the hormones, and strengthen the elimination system. Migraines, insect bites, acne, and tumors are reputed to improve when an amethyst is applied to the skin. Amethyst is said to bring spiritual insight and promote good judgment, selflessness and happiness.
Quartz wands come in a variety of colors. Quartz is reputed to be the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Quartz is applied to body to alleviate pain and reduce fever, stop bleeding and reduce burn blisters. Historically, quartz has been used as a diagnostic tool and to communicate with spirits. Quartz has been used for transformative healing at all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis is reported to balance thyroid gland function, purify the blood and strengthen the respiratory and immune systems. Lapis is said to relieve headaches and general pain. Lapis is also reputed to protect against depression, anxiety, and restlessness. Historically, it is said to promote clear understanding and intuition and to protect the wearer from both physical and psychic attacks
Traditionally, bloodstone has been used to treat all types of blood problems. Crystal lore reports that bloodstone stops bleeding, treats anemia and blood disease, improves blood pressure issues, and treats cardiovascular disease. It is said to be an all-purpose healer and cleanser of the body. It is reported to be helpful with menstrual cramps, blood clots, and hemorrhoids. Bloodstone was given to pregnant and birthing women to protect them and their unborn children. It is said to be particularly good for emotional trauma and grief recovery.
Moonstone is considered to be a woman's stone--promoting fertility, strong female hormone balance, menopausal support, alleviation of menstrual pain and PMS, and assistance with the aging process and its transitions. Moonstone has a reputation for protecting women during pregnancy and childbirth. This crystal is reported to aid in the expression of love and balance emotions. Moonstone honors the Goddess in all women.
Turquoise is reported to be an all-purpose healing crystal. Turquoise is reported to be a general healer for all illnesses and mental or emotional issues. Healers have used it to treat throat and lung infections, asthma, hypertension, rheumatism, gout, and viral infections. It is said to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, detoxify the body, and promote endurance. Turquoise is reputed to protect the wearer from harm, dispel fear, lift depression and provide a sense of happiness and contentment.