Glucosamine Contraindications
Shellfish Allergy
Glucosamine is found in the shells of shellfish and most supplements are made from shellfish shells. Consequently, anyone with an allergy to shellfish should use glucosamine with caution. According to, however, some evidence suggests that the amount of shrimp allergen in supplements is insufficient to cause an allergic reaction in people with shrimp allergies. Some forms of glucosamine are made with substances other than shellfish, so if you have an allergy, you may want to seek out these alternative formulations. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to the glucosamine itself.
Use of glucosamine may be contraindicated in anyone with diabetes, unless recommended by a physician. There is some evidence that glucosamine may alter blood sugar levels and increase insulin resistance, although according to, that has not been definitively proven as yet.
Some patience report instances of severe asthma attacks after taking glucosamine in combination with chondroitin, although there has been no research on the use of glucosamine in asthmatics. It is unclear whether the asthma attacks were caused by the supplements, either individually or in combination.
Sodium or Potassium Restricted Diet
Supplements of glucosamine can contain enough sodium or potassium to be contraindicated for people who are on diets restricting the use of either substance.
Pregnant Women and Children
There has been very limited attention paid to the use of glucosamine by children or pregnant and breastfeeding woman. Without any information on the risks and benefits of the supplement in these groups, avoiding its use is probably wise.
As with all alternative and complementary medications, glucosamine should be used only under the advice and observation of a medical professional. Glucosamine manufacture is not overseen by the FDA and it has not been rigorously tested for either safety or efficacy.