How to Purchase Crystals or Gems for Healing
Things You'll Need
- Patience
- A practiced intuition
- Access to reputable gem and mineral dealers
- Pouches or cloth to protect the stones
- A pendulum (optional)
- A friend to accompany you (optional)
- A guidebook to crystals (optional)
Citrine is a versatile crystal with many useful properties. Check online or in your local metaphysical periodicals for listings of reputable gem and mineral shops. Visit several in person to get a sense of the place; you want to feel certain they have selected quality stones from which to choose.
Quartz and other crystals need to be cleared before use. Attend any local healing fairs or metaphysical festivals to visit any booths featuring stones. Before you set out to shop, set your intention for the direct mission of finding the perfect crystals to heal any particular physical or mental ailments.
Amethyst is considered a master healing stone. Open your senses and simply look around all the possible stones. Then pick up the ones you are attracted to, either because one strikes you as particularly beautiful or something about it just "feels right." Some dealers list the healing qualities of the stones, or you may inquire. Ultimately, trust your intuition to guide you.
Testing crystals for personal use is ideal. Hold each stone in your hand, one at a time. Close your eyes and get a sense of its properties. It doesn't matter if they are raw or polished. If you feel good, put it in the "consider" pile. If you feel heavy or confused or anything negative, set it back on the shelf. It might be right for someone else at another time.
Use a pendulum to help select other crystals. Ask a sales person, booth owner or shop clerk to help you muscle test while holding each stone. If you take a friend along, you can muscle test each other. The stones that will "work" for you will garner a strong positive response. Those that won't will cause your arm to drop in a "no" response or give you a general sense of weakness.
Jade is used for stamina, harmony and many physical healings. If you have solid experience with a pendulum, take it with you when exploring. Use it over each crystal you are drawn to to discern a positive or negative response. You can do this in tandem with muscle testing as an affirming method.
Rose quartz is a balancing stone that works well with the heart chakra. After you have chosen what you feel are the best crystals, review them to select the ones you really think will work for your goal. Ask the dealer any questions you may have, but depart with the ones you sense are ideal for you.