Lapis Lazuli Crystal Properties
Lapis lazuli is a dark blue, often tinted slightly violet or green, gemstone that is speckled with gold and white flecks. The stone, which is classified as a silicate, is a combination of lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. It is often used in silver jewelry and for its healing properties in crystal therapy.
Using Lapis Lazuli
A healer may apply lapis lazuli to a chakra center to open any chakra (and increase energy flow) or purify and cleanse the body or chakra. People who use lapis lazuli for its crystal properties will often use it in meditation to bring specific matters clearly to mind or to help them open the "third eye." While it can be used on most chakras, it is often used on the fifth chakra, which is tied to identity, truth and self-expression.
Chakra Centers
There are seven chakras, vertically aligned through the center of the body, which control the flow of energy through an individual's body. The chakras need to remain balanced or the disrupted flow of energy can harm both physical and mental health. Each chakra is tied to specific characteristics and personality traits; the first chakra is located at the base of the spine. They proceed up the body all of the way to the seventh chakra, which is located above the crown of the head.
The Fifth Chakra
The fifth chakra, also known as the throat chakra, is the power point that is associated with expressing internal feelings and thoughts with the outside world. There are many signs that the fifth chakra needs to be balanced, most commonly: difficulty expressing oneself; confusion and inability to learn new information; routine lying; and doubt or uncertainty, according to Crystal Cures. Most blue stones can be placed on an individual's throat chakra to help them express themselves more honestly, but lapis lazuli is also used to treat specific illnesses.
The Sixth Chakra
The sixth chakra is also known as the brow chakra or the third eye. It controls psychic abilities, concentration and intelligence, according to Crystal Cures. The brow chakra is out of balance if the individual is confused, indecisive or illogical. Indigo stones are often applied to the third eye to increase mental clarity and intuition.
Healing Powers
Lapis lazuli is used to calm and remove energy blockages. While this can be evident in psychological issues, it can also manifest in someone's physical body as well. The stone is believed to help reduce swelling, calm internal bleeding and nervous system problems, and decrease blockages or diseases. It is said to be effective on physical conditions around the fifth chakra (including the thyroid and upper lungs) and the sixth chakra (including, mental illness, pituitary gland, endocrine system, and upper respiratory/sinus system).