Metaphysical Meaning of Tektite
Jupiter, associated with Tektite
The creation of Tektite is a result of a reaction that involves lightning or a meteor striking sand. The resulting explosion throws the material up several miles, and the sand then cools to become Tektite. The rock is very glassy and shiny in appearance. It is basically of terrestrial origin. (See Reference 2)
Alleged Benefits
Various experts in this field hold that Tektite can assist the bearer in communing with extraterrestrials and enhance psychic abilities as it vibrates at a very high level. Many hold that it prevents emotional scars and activates dreams and their later recall. It is said to assist in astral travel, to unclog clogged energy ducts in the body, and to help create positive changes in life such as the elimination of harmful habits. There is little in the lore that this rock cannot accomplish. (See Reference 3)
Some hold that Tektite is the green stone found in the Holy Grail. In addition, because of this among other things, it was the preferred stone of royalty through the "middle ages" and regularly given as gifts among the powerful (though there seems to be no primary evidence of this). Its primary legend is that since it allegedly derives from outer space, it is a means of communicating with and understanding beings from other worlds and dimensions. (See Reference 1)
Experts in this field associate Tektite with the planets Jupiter and Pluto. It is connected with the zodiac sign Sagittarius as well as with deep-red roses, which are associated with the element of fire. Most of all, Tektite is associated with the ability to see beyond the material universe and into the spirit world, both the terrestrial one and the extraterrestrial. (See Reference 1)
Tektite is said to give protection from fire and storms, as well as skin disorders and importantly laziness, since it is a high-frequency crystal in terms of the speed of its vibration. It is also used against anger and sleeplessness. In general, it is used as a means to unleash energy that is not agitating, but focusing and relaxing. (See Reference 2)