What are the Black Tourmaline Benefits?
According to those who believe in crystal and energy healing, tourmaline is an extremely useful stone for healing. One theory put forth by kiflow.com is that tourmaline, especially black tourmaline, has been shown to contain a minor electric charge. The theory is that this electric charge creates a positive reaction in the human body, while at the same time keeping the wearer of the stone safe from other, harmful electromagnetic fields. Black tourmaline is supposed to help a person keep her mood stable and allow the body to heal itself more rapidly.
Increased Circulation
Black tourmaline has been touted as a crystal that helps create increased circulation and blood flow, which help people who wear the stone maintain better health. Supposedly the slight electric charge that occurs naturally in black tourmaline causes the stone to release both negative ions and far infrared rays. Negative ions supposedly clean the air that the wearer is breathing, and far infrared rays are used in saunas and in therapy to help treat muscle aches and skin problems. There is no definite proof that black tourmalines produce enough of an effect to help increase blood flow, but there is no harm in wearing them.
Mood and Protection
For those of a more mystical bent, black tourmaline supposedly protects someone who wears it from negative emotions and even from black magic. Black tourmaline supposedly neutralizes negative emotions such as envy, greed, anger and disfavor which can take a toll on a person's day-to-day life. While black tourmaline is supposed to protect you from these emotions being projected onto you, it is also supposed to help you maintain a good and positive outlook so that your own negativity doesn't trip you up. This is even harder to measure, but there are people who buy black tourmaline explicitly for these supposed benefits of wearing and using the stone.