Properties of Rainbow Moonstone
Physical Properties
Rainbow moonstone is a member of the feldspar family of gemstones. Like other igneous stones, feldspars are formed when magma---the molten core under the earth's solid crust---cools and solidifies. Rainbow moonstone's special sheen results from a combination of two similar types of feldspar that separate slightly while the magma is cooling and reflect light differently.
New Age Healing
In "The Women's Book of Healing: Crystals and Gemstones, Auras and Laying on of Hands, Chakras and Colors," Diane Stein indicates that moonstone may be worn to balance hormonal cycles in women and teens, especially helpful during menstruation and menopause. She also recommends it for stimulating the immune system and relieving stress. It is also used to treat insomnia.
Mystical Properties
Rainbow moonstone worn on the full moon is often believed to promote clairvoyance and flashes of intuition or inspiration. Tarot readers often keep a rainbow moonstone near their cards to encourage divination. Moonstone is considered to protect travelers, especially those going by sea. In "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic," Scott Cunningham suggests a combination of wearing a moonstone and periodically rubbing it on the body while visualizing an ideal weight as a way to promote weight loss. Moonstone is also believed to have power to reconcile quarreling lovers and family members, especially when one presents it to the other as a gift.