Effects of Salt Lamps to Users
Salt ramps are purported to positively alter mood by producing negative ions that create a positive chemical reaction in the bloodstream, affecting the serotonin level in the brain. The result of this chemical reaction is a feeling of calm and wellness.
Salt lamps are believed to neutralize the air, in turn easing allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems. Cigarette smoke, dust and bacteria create positive ions that act as irritants to allergy sufferers. Each day these ions, which are odorless and tasteless, are inhaled, causing a myriad of health problems for individuals with compromised respiratory systems. Salt lamps neutralize the positive ions by generating negative ones, creating clean air to breathe.
Sleep Quality
Using a salt lamp by your bedside at night is said to improve the quality of sleep. It is also believed that placing a salt lamp in a baby's room is beneficial and soothing for the infant. Salt lamps cleanse the air of harmful positive ions, and create a soft, gentle night light for the bedroom.
Using a salt lamp in your office near your computer is said to improve the quality of the atmosphere in your work area by neutralizing the many positive ions generated by computers, making your office a more calming, healthful place to work. Cleansing the air of these positive ions is believed to lower blood pressure, and relieve headaches and migraines.
Color Therapy
Some proponents of salt lamp use believe that the color of the salt crystals used have particular healing effects for the mind and body. Salt crystal color varies according to the mineral deposits found in the earth in the areas in which the salt is mined. For instance, pink salt crystals are generally found in the Himalayas. Pink salt lamps are thought to improve emotional health and promoted a sense of calm and peace. Orange lamps are purported to improve nervous system, kidney and bladder health. Red salt crystal lamps are said to aid the heart and blood circulation, while white lamps have a general detoxifying effect on the atmosphere.