How to Destroy Folklore Crystals

Crystals are a common method of alternative healing. Like any tool, however, eventually they become ruined or wear out. If you have a crystal that you cannot clean, then it's time to destroy that crystal. Clean the stones as much as possible before. For most stones, an hour or so in direct sunlight will work. You can also place it in salt water or bury it in earth. If this cleansing is not effective, or is going to take more time than you have to spend, then it is time to destroy the crystal.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal container
  • Rubber gloves
  • Eye protection
  • 2 large rocks
  • Hammer
  • Trowel or other digging implement
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    • 1

      Isolate the crystal from the rest of your stones by placing it in a metal container. Metal dampens or even eliminates the effect of stones, which will allow you to transport the crystal safely.

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      Take the crystal to a location for which you have little emotional attachment. A natural location, such as a park with a stream, is preferable. Bring water if there isn't any in the location you choose.

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      Dissolve soft stones like azurite and selenite in water. Submerge them in a stream, lake or other flowing body of water. If no flowing body of water is available, then use the water you brought with you. Be sure to wear the gloves, or to pour the water in your metal container.

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      Grind or smash harder stones that will not dissolve in water. Take two rocks and carefully place the crystal between them. Then grind the crystal between the rocks. If this doesn't work, put on eye protection and try crushing the crystal with the rock or the hammer. Carefully gather any pieces or dust in the metal container.

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      Dig a small hole for the shards of the crystal and for any crystals you could not dissolve or break. Use a secluded location in the park, preferably in a field that gets lots of sun. This will remove any taint from the remnants over time and help return your crystal to the Earth.

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