How to Use Gemstone Pyramids

Some people believe that the healing properties of crystals and gemstones can be helpful for many medical maladies, including regulating hormones, keeping away nightmares and fighting addictions. Although gemstones are not cures or medicines on their own and should always be used in conjunction with medical treatment for illness or injury, proponents say these crystals can help speed up the process and balance mental health. Pyramids made of gemstones may be even more powerful, helping focus healing energy.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl large enough to submerge your pyramid
  • Water
  • Sea salt
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      Choose the right gemstone pyramid for the malady that you want to heal. For instance, agates are said to treat insomnia, while amber may help with overcoming addiction.

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      Cleanse your gemstone before each use to eliminate any negative energies that can work against healing properties. Fill a bowl with warm water and add 2 tbsp. of sea salt. You can also place the gemstone in sea salt without the water. Allow the gemstone to soak for 12 hours to completely cleanse it.

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      Point the tip of pyramid toward the area of the body you want to heal. For instance, point the gemstone at the stomach to alleviate abdominal pain or at the head to help with insomnia or migraines.

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      Focus positive, healing energy into the gemstone pyramid. Breathe in and out slowly, as if you are meditating, and think about nothing but positive energy directed toward the malady you want to heal. This intent to heal is said to help speed along the process; the point of the pyramid will better direct and focus your intent.

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      Repeat the gemstone therapy as needed to help treat the malady. This will vary by patient and malady. For instance, you can use the gemstone once to get rid of a headache or as a regimen to help treat a long-term illness.

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