How to Cleanse Healing Stones
Things You'll Need
- Sage stick
- Spring water
- Sea salt
Learn the properties of your specific crystal. A few types of healing stones hold the ability to self-cleanse, as well as to cleanse other stones near them. Most crystal healing experts teach that citrine and kyanite have this property. Some stones, such as amethyst, fade in sunlight. Others dissolve in water. The vendor who sells you the stone may be able to offer information on your crystal. Also you may want to consult a reliable book on crystal healing. Some of the best known books on crystal healing include "Love is in the Earth" by Melody, "The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall, and "Crystal Therapy" by Doreen Virtue with Judith Lukomski.
Choose a method of cleaning appropriate to your crystal. You can go either the right or left brain route for this choice. Left-brain methods include consulting a crystal book or asking someone experienced in crystal healing for advice. If you are comfortable with more intuitive right-brain methods, you can intuit or use divination to learn which method of healing suits your crystal.
Clear the space in which you plan to clean the crystal. This includes both traditional cleaning of clearing away any debris and clutter, as well as energetically cleansing any negative vibrations in the area. This process may involve burning a smudge stick of sage, or scattering salt and spring water in the area, perhaps lighting a candle. Also clear your mind through prayer, meditation, yoga, or chi gong so you will feel open to perceive the subtle vibrational energies of the cleansing process.
Clean the crystal using whichever method seems best to you. If you own one of the crystals which have the power of self-cleaning and cleansing other crystals, wrap the crystals together in a piece of natural fiber fabric. You can also place your crystal directly in sunlight or moonlight. Other options include "bathing" your crystal in smoke from an incense/smudge stick, or in a field of sound vibrations from a bell, drum, chimes or didgeridoo. Water possesses universal cleansing powers and also has the advantage of easy availability. Simply pour cool water (preferably from a natural source rather than chemically treated) over the crystal. Burying the crystal in the earth can help neutralize even strong negative vibrations. If this option is not available to you, place the crystal in a clay container and cover it with sea salt. To simultaneously cleanse and charge the crystal, place it outdoors in advance of a thunder and lightening storm.