Crystal Healing for a Tooth Extraction

Crystal healing is a process that involves placing crystals or gemstones on specific areas throughout the body, called chakras. The word "chakra" is a Hindu term, meaning "spiritual energy." A different color represents each of the seven chakras. Some crystal healers choose to use chakra stones that are the same color as the chakra color. Each crystal or gemstone has its own properties and meaning and is used for specific types of healing.
  1. Agates

    • Agates tend to have a very positive effect on tooth and jaw pain. Turquoise can also be used to deal with any type of pain.

      Which chakra the appropriate stone is used upon depends on what the user is trying to accomplish. There is something called a chakra clearing that involves lying on your back in a quiet room and placing seven specific stones on the seven chakra areas. Then you would put yourself in a somewhat meditative state for 10 to 15 minutes; this can be done daily. The stones should be cleared after this procedure is completed.

      If doing a chakra clearing (or, if using agate or turquoise only to help with tooth extraction pain), place the stone on the solar plexus chakra, which is located halfway between the lower chest area and the naval. The third eye chakra (located in the middle of the forehead) or the throat chakra can also be beneficial in clearing pain away.

    Chinese Fluorite

    • Chinese fluorite works very well with any type of pain. Hold the stone directly against the area that is experiencing the pain or use the Chinese fluorite at the root chakra (located halfway between the anus and the genital organs), which is typically the chakra where fluorite is used. Chinese fluorite is a very versatile stone and can also be effective by simply holding the stone in the user's hands. The palms of the hands can be an entry and exit point for negative and positive energy.

      To do this, sit or stand comfortably and hold the stone between the two palms, quietly. Put yourself in somewhat of a meditative state, concentrating on removing the negative energy (in this case, the jaw or tooth pain) from the physical body and replacing it with a white light that is positive and good. Mentally imagine that the pain in the tooth (or where the tooth used to be) is red (someone might imagine that their jaw has turned bright red) and that the negative energy is leaving the body, using the Chinese fluorite as a sort of filter, and replacing the negative energy with the positive white energy (imagining that the reddened jaw is covered in a glowing white energy that is very positive, calm and relaxing).

      Always make sure that all stones are properly cleared of negativity. Chinese fluorite is particularly good for conducting negativity and removing it from an object or an individual. In fact, Chinese fluorite will sometimes shatter or develop stress fractures as a person with an illness or a lot of built-up stress and negativity holds the stone.

    Water-Infused Crystal

    • As mentioned before, all stones should be cleared properly. Upon taking a shower, rosewater should be sprayed just above the head each time in order to "close" the open aura after the shower water has gone through. Crystals can be soaked in sea salt water to be cleared. After using the stone or stones in a chakra clearing, they must be cleared immediately so that they do not harbor any negative energy. This is usually done by soaking or infusing the stones with the salt water, but rain water works even better. The stones can also be "smudged," using the smoke from burning white sage. Some people prefer to do both (or clear the stones after the clearing and smudge them just before use the next).

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