How to Cleanse a Hematite Stone

Hematite has been used for its healing properties and grounding affects for thousands of years. Hematite helps to promote blood functioning, improves circulation, aids in the production of blood cells, and assists with trauma and stress because of its grounding effects. Cleansing crystals and stones before use is important so one doesn't transfer the negative energy that the stone has absorbed into their own bodies. To receive the best benefits of hematite, wear it directly against the skin after it has been cleansed.

Things You'll Need

  • Hematite Stone
  • Bowl of Rock Crystals OR
  • Smudge Stick OR
  • Tuning Fork, Bells or Tibetan Bowl
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      Always cleanse a hematite stone when you first get it, you don't know where it has been or what kind of energy it has picked up. It doesn't matter which modality you use to cleanse it as long as the intention of clearing the negative energy is there.

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      Place hematite in a bowl of tumbled rock crystals. This will release any negative energy that it has absorbed as well as filling it with positive energy from the rock crystals.

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      Smudge hematite as another cleansing option. A smudge stick should be made of sage, cedar, lavender, sweetgrass or mugwart. Light the end of the smudge stick, allowing them to smolder slightly and smoke. Wave your hand by the smudge stick to waft the smoke and hold the crystal in the smoke for a little while, as long as you feel sufficient.

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      Use sound cleansing if you prefer. Bells, tuning forks, and Tibetan bowls can be used to clear negative energy. Place the stone next to the sound source or inside the Tibetan bowls, and then produce the sound until it fades.

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