Healing Power of Gems
Scientists have used crystals and their natural forces in watches, computers and lasers. Technology has recognized the potency of gemstones and channeled it to benefit man.
Gemstones are used for healing, to promote energy, to relax, to find balance and to encourage our natural abilities. Each gem has a specific role to play. The more gemstones that are worn, the more cosmic forces are directed to the body.
Diamonds are said to remove negativity. They remove toxins from the body and bring clarity to thought and process. Diamonds remind one to remain faithful and committed to a relationship.
Opals bring harmony to the whole body. Opals help with decision making and open up the mind to new beginnings and adventures. Opals are believed to purify the blood, to ease the pain of childbirth and to help with fatigue.
Pearls bring emotional balance to the body. They are also used to stabilize insulin levels and relieve bloating. Pearls bring truth to the heart.
Coral helps the body and mind deal with change. Coral is used to lower cholesterol levels, to increase circulation and to help with the absorption of niacin. Coral is believed to help people reconnect with spirits of the past and to help with the body's inner mystic abilities.