Wheel of Life Crystal Healing
Geometric shapes release energy based on shape. On the Life Center Web site, Joy 101 describes the "graphics of energy." (See Reference 1) Pyramid power is not the only example of the way a civilization has used geometry to draw upon the energy of the universe. Hindus and Buddhists believe their yantras and mandalas recreate awareness by opening mundane consciousness to sacred space. According to Life Center, Wheel of Life energy opens a gate, which allows the universal (scalar) energy entrance to three-dimensional reality. (See Reference 1)
The Wheel of Life structure draws from ancient roots. Ancient Egyptians applied geometry when they designed and constructed the pyramids. According to Life Center, when one constructs a pyramid oriented to the magnetic north, the pyramid displays energy. (See Reference 1) Wheel of Life crystal healing relies upon the dimensions of a healing medallion as an energy conduit. The crystals in a Wheel of Life medallion are semiprecious stones. When Wheel of Life medallions are gold, an emerald holds the center position. Six garnets surround the emerald like spokes in a wheel. Life Center explains that the shapes of the stones are important. Wheel of Life medallions are hexagon-shaped. Stones on gold medallions are faceted. Stones on silver medallions are convex and not faceted. Gold, like the Sun, is masculine energy. Silver, like the moon, is feminine energy. (See Reference 1)
Intentionality is an important factor in Wheel of Life crystal healing. When energizing and when healing, verbalizing your intentions to form thoughts will draw universal energy. Verbal commands are prayers and mantras designed to affirm the beneficial effects of Wheel of Life healing. With the Wheel of Life medallion around your neck, state your intention in prayer form for less than a minute. In that time, universal energy will radiate from your medallion, creating a sacred and powerful opportunity for healing. Once you verbalize what you want to do and why, Life Center teaches the Light Invocation. Repeat three times, "I invoke the Light of God within. I am a clear and perfect channel. Light is my Guide." (See Reference 1)
You will experience a series of effects while performing Wheel of Life healing. First, center your being. You must attain clarity and openness to practice Wheel of Life crystal healing. As you become centered, your tension eases and your creativity is awakened. According to Life Center, within one minute of beginning Wheel of Life centering, you are enveloped in a protective white aura, through which no harm can come to you. You may become more psychically attuned. You will realize that all reality is interrelated. (See Reference 1)
Apply the Wheel of Life to energize objects and substances for healing. Charge hair care products to awaken your Crown chakra for keener intuitive and mental faculties. Charged massage oils penetrate deeper into tissues providing greater muscle relaxation. Life Center suggests wrapping a Wheel of Life medallion in a cloth for seven days. Use the energized cloth to relieve headaches. (See Reference 1) As you gain experience and understanding about the uses and benefits of Wheel of Life crystal healing, you develop a deeper awareness of healing possibilities.