How to Buy Healing Stones

Stones, whether raw or polished, have been used to heal since ancient times---about 1600 BC is the first recorded reference to their use for this purpose. According to Liz Simpson, author of <i>The Book of Crystal Healing,</i> it is intention that causes crystals (or stones) to heal. Judy Hall, author of multiple crystal books, states that they work through vibration. To benefit most from them, it is helpful to own some.


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      Find a reputable source for stones. There are fakes that could be synthetic or made from glass or even plastic. These will not heal, according to Ms. Simpson. So find out where crystal healers purchase their stones. Ask questions about where the stones are mined, and be sure sellers are knowledgeable. Know that some crystals may have had gold added or may have undergone an acceptable process to enhance color.

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      Ask yourself specific questions before making a purchase. Liz Simpson suggests these: What color, shape and size of stone are you most attracted to? Do you want to wear your crystals or carry them? Will you use them to heal physical symptoms or for meditative purposes? How much can you spend to acquire them? How do they need to be cleansed and stored?

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      Do some research about stones. Seek out a practitioner with a good reputation who uses stones and get advice. Read books like <i>The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals</i> by Judy Hall. Look up the healing properties of each stone and whether it corresponds to a certain chakra (energy center). Find out your birthstone or crystals related to astrological signs, suggests Ms. Hall.

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      Feel the stones. Eighty-five percent of the earth is made up of crystals, according to the book <i>Crystal Healing.</i> So they have been around a long time and have collected energy. Pick them up and notice any tingling or vibrations. If you experience these feelings, purchase the stones. One stone may feel energizing while another feels calming. Decide if the shape and temperature resonates for you. Trust your intuition and if one feels right, buy it.

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