Healing & Meditation Crystals
According to Project-Meditation.org, the practice of meditating for health and spiritual enlightenment has existed since 500 B.C.E Crystal healing has been used by ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Greeks.
Meditation is primarily used to still the mind and allows one to experience a deep sense of inner-peace and wisdom. Crystal healing is primarily used to heal various injuries and illnesses. The combination of both can lead to lasting healing and profound insights.
There are as many ways to use meditation and healing crystals are there types of crystals. Perhaps the most common and effective technique is to hold a substantial sized crystal in your hands while seated in a traditional meditation pose. Focusing your energy on the vibrations of the crystal, allow that healing energy to flow through you and become a natural part of your own energy vibration.
Those without the time or ability to find a quiet place to meditate for an extensive period of time can benefit from healing meditations and crystals by wearing crystal jewelry and stilling the mind while walking. Walking meditation occurs with eyes open and uses the rhythm of your steps to still your mind. Paired with the energies of a healing pendant, this method can be very effective for those needing quick relief from daily stress.
While many have praised the powers of meditation and healing crystals, keep in mind that no alternative medicine practice should be used in place of sound expert advice from a physician or other health practitioner.
Before beginning a healing and meditation crystal routine, be sure to consult with a crystal healing expert or meditation expert to find which type of meditation and crystal work is right for you.