Healing Powers of Gemstones

There are many types of gemstones that can be used for healing. Gemstones are sorted by their color. Each color has different healing properties. Gemstones can be placed or worn on or near the seven chakras. Each chakra is a power/energy point which is connected to a specific aspect of health or life.
  1. Effects

    • Many choose gemstone healing because there are no risky side effects involved. It is an ancient and all-natural form of healing physical and emotional ailments. Crystals work using energy and by transmitting vibration.


    • Throughout history gemstones have been used for healing. Crystals are mentioned in the Bible. Early Christians knew that God's energy could flow from God himself into the crystal and then into the one being healed. Egyptians also used crystals knowing that divine energy could flow through them and be held in them.


    • Red gems are used for vitality and will, pink stones are for love and beauty, blue stones help you be insightful and gain patience, green stones help rid the body of illness, brown stones help with getting things into order, orange stones help you cope and aid in endurance, gold stones help you gain wealth, and yellow gemstones help you gain hope, happiness and knowledge.


    • Place stones on or around the corresponding chakra. There are seven chakras: root for instinct, sacral hara for sexuality, solar plexus for self-knowledge, heart for emotion, throat for creativity, third eye for gaining and using higher knowledge, and crown for connecting with the divine.


    • Gemstones can and do heal many conditions of health and life. However, gemstones should never replace a doctor and modern medication. If you have physical or emotional health problems, you need to see your doctor. Do not self-treat with gemstones.

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