Crystal Bowl Healing
Sound Healing
Healing happens on many levels. One way to assist in the healing process is through the use of sound or music. This kind of healing is also called vibrational healing or vibrational medicine, as it works on subtle levels of the human body, mind and spirit.
Many cultures have used sound or music throughout history for healing, community-building and achieving a sense of oneness with others and with the Universe. African drumming, Indian chanting and other examples point to the power of using sound for ritual and healing. Similar to the ancient Tibetan singing bowls, a newer form of singing bowls became popular in the 1980s. They are believed to have developed out of the crystal transistors and computer chips in the communications industry. Many health care practitioners and alternative healing therapists are using the bowls to facilitate the healing of their patients.
Quartz crystals singing bowls are made of pure silicon quartz crystal. Our own cells also contain silica. The reason the bowls resonate with us when they are played is that on a cellular level, we are also crystalline in structure, and so our bodies vibrate at the same frequency as the bowls. Each bowl has a different letter (i.e. A, B, C) and a different frequency or harmonic resonance that corresponds with each of the seven chakras, or energy centers, in our body. Crystal singing bowls range in diameter from 5 1/2 inches to 24 inches. They can be purchased and played singly or as a set of seven.
Crystal bowls are played with a wooden stick covered with suede at the tip. The stick is pressed to the outside rim of the bowl in a circular manner to create a vibratory sound. One use of the bowls is to clear blockages in our bodies. In a healing session, bowls are played to affect certain energy centers in the body---to bring balance, peace and harmony to specific parts of the body or for overall relaxation and well-being. The bowls can also used to clear a room or a space or for ritual purposes, as the resonance in the bowls enters the surrounding atmosphere and creates a sense of peace and calm and high vibration. They can also be programmed with intentions for personal or planetary healing, prosperity, or other goals.
Using crystal bowls for healing can help us on many levels---physically, it can dissolve blockages in the body, reduce pain and stress and increase feelings of calm and relaxation; mentally, it can help us clear our minds, concentrate better and increase our feelings of confidence, hope and joy along with spiritually. It can alter our consciousness, raise our energetic vibration and align ourselves with our true nature. All in all, crystal bowl healing is a wonderful tool to help us live healthier, more balanced lives.