Tektite Healing Qualities
Black, green, or colorless, tektite is a meteorite that has been found in the Middle and Far East, Philippines, Polynesia, U.S., India and Russia. As an amorphous mineral, it lacks "an inner structure and allows energy to pass through freely and act rapidly, and may be a catalyst for growth," states Judy Hall. According to a University of Texas website, "The youngest tektites are around 100,000 years old."
"The name tektite comes from the Greek tektos, or melted," according to the University of Texas website. Tektite has been recorded as early as 900 BC in China during the T'ang Dynasty. Tektites were described as being black stones with a brilliant luster that gave a ringing sound when struck and were collected after rainstorms. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Alfred Lacroix described a large tektite deposit in Indonesia and later the Ivory Coast. Until then, little was known about tektites.
Tektites are known for raising personal energy vibrations and strengthening your aura, states Healing Crystals. By using tektite, it will be easier for you to discern the truth. Tektites enhance your psychic abilities, encourage telepathy and aid lucid dreaming and astral travel. Physically, tektite helps you heal quickly from illnesses and injuries. It can also reduce fevers and improve circulation and skin disorders, notes Judy Hall. If you have dark circles under your eyes, tektite will reduce the discoloration because of its effect on capillaries.
Tektites are meteors from outer space. "Some archaeologists suggest that these glassy tektites were formed by some sort of atomic explosion," states Healing Crystals. Tektites may also have formed from a meteorite impact melting the local rock. Compositions of tektite vary but are mainly silica glass with inclusions of magnesium, iron and other metals. During the 1950s and 1960s, tektite was believed to have come from the moon, but this theory has since been discredited.
Healing Crystals states that sleeping with tektite under your pillow will help you deflect negative entities from your life and meditating with tektite will bring deeper insight into current situations or problems. Carrying tektite while doing spiritual work will thin the veil between dimensions. Using tektite on your third eye chakra will help to integrate higher energy vibrations from other realms. Psychic Revelations recommends burying tektite outdoors by your doors, or in the pot of an indoor plant if living in an apartment, to protect your home from fire and storms. Wearing or holding tektite will allow its healing energy to work with your own body's energy system for maximum physical benefits.