Jadeite Healing Properties
Jade is not only found in China, but also in Canada, New Zealand, Egypt and a few places in Mexico. The Spanish believe it cured problems in the kidneys and called it piedre de ijada, or "stone of the side."
The ancient Mayans believed that jadeite was a very powerful love stone that could attract love and make it last. It is also good for mending any kind of relationship, because of its tendency to bring people together.
Jadeite and nephrite are not always green, though the green version is usually thought of as being associated with jade. Stones can also be found in white, blue-ish, pink and purple colors. Sometimes multiple colors that give these stones a patterned look.
Jadeite is often used by women during childbirth to keep bleeding to a minimum. This also makes it a good choice for menstrual problems, like heavy flow and cramps. It has a calming effect and is considered a psychological stone.
Jadeite's usual green color helps it to be considered a lucky stone, because green equates with money. Green is also the color of the shamrock and of new life in the spring. Wear it around your neck to help bring good luck into your life.