Magikal Properties of Garnets
Garnet is made of magnesium aluminum silicate with manganese, chromium, and sometimes iron silicate. It has a hardness of 6-7.5 on the Mohs scale. It is found mainly in Europe, South Africa, Australia, and in the U.S., in Arizona and New Mexico. Garnet is January's birthstone. Red and green garnets are the most popular, but garnets are also available in other colors.
Garnet was traditionally used in engagement rings since they are stones of the heart chakra. It is considered good luck to be given a garnet and bad luck to steal one. Five hundred years ago, garnet was known to protect the owner from demons and ghosts. Garnet was once set into shields, buckles, and other items of the Crusaders to provide additional protection.
Garnet inspires love and devotion, and can help attract new, like-minded friends to your life. Garnet is a very protective stone and will warn you of approaching danger while attracting harm to those who wish to harm you. By opening the heart chakra, garnet instills self-confidence and helps you to find your way out of traumatic experiences. Garnet also will help you to increase productivity and to be successful in business.
Garnet has additional benefits based on its form. Square cut garnets brings success to business endeavors. Red garnet controls your anger, revitalizes your feelings, and enhances your sexuality. Uvarovite garnet, which is emerald green, enhances spiritual relationships and in experiencing solitude without being lonely. Andradite garnet, which is brown, stimulates your creativity, cleanses and expands your aura, and opens your psychic senses in addition to the general qualities of garnet.
Wearing the stone as jewelry, carrying it in your pocket, or meditating with it will help you to activate this stone's magikal and healing properties and to attain its many benefits. Leave garnet in various places in your home to infuse its magikal properties into your environment. You can also let the garnet soak for a while in water, thus charging your drink with its energy, just prior to ingesting it. Use garnet in rituals for love and sexuality.