Moldavite Healing
Moldavite is the result of a meteor that hit the Moldau River Valley, in what is now the Czech Republic, millions of years ago.
History and Legend
Archaeologists have found religious objects made of moldavite dating back to neolithic times; the stone was also a traditional engagement gift in parts of Eastern Europe. Some legends surrounding the Holy Grail say it was a green cup, made of either emerald or moldavite.
If you use moldavite for healing, wear it as a part of jewelry or otherwise hold on to the stone. Also try placing it over your heart chakra, as green is one of the colors associated with that chakra.
Moldavite is said to influence personal transformation, appreciation of the self, spiritual transformation and extraterrestrial contact.
Moldavite can elicit an extreme, adverse reaction that includes severe lightheadedness. It is sometimes paired with a stone that has grounding qualities, such as hematite.