Bluestone Healing
What is Bluestone?
A bluestone healing crystal is said to have many beneficial properties. Some spiritualists believe that keeping the stone close to them can be helpful, as in wearing it on a chain or carrying the stone in their pockets. The stone is supposed to be beneficial in past life regression, will power, courage, spiritual gift enhancement and can aid in meditation. It also may act as a protection stone, an energy enhancer, as well as for dowsing and receiving messages. Keeping a piece of bluestone near your work environment or under your pillow at night is said to help with clairvoyance. Tarot readers, healers, dowsers, circle builders, clairvoyants and computer users are all said to be benefited by the use of bluestone.
How to Choose a Stone
It's important that you choose a stone that has not been produced by smashing or crushing larger stones. Often, stones are broken down with a sledge hammer or by a commercial crushing process, which damages the structure of the stone. Stones that are broken down this way should only be used as archeological samples. Small flat stones are most suitable for dream work and for receiving messages. Make sure dream work stones and message stones have organically round edges. For dowsing purposes, choose a stone that is quite large. Flat stone surfaces tend to be less effective. When choosing a stone to keep near your computer, a miniature standing stone is best. For dream work, look for stone that has at least one part that is unpolished.
Some of the largest bluestones in the world can be found at Stonehenge. For centuries, claims have been made that Stonehenge possesses healing qualities. The famous stones were carried and put into place nearly 4,300 years ago. During an excavation, several bluestone chips were recovered. These chips are said to have healing properties.