What Is the Meaning of Moonstone?
Moonstones are meant to help balance your emotions and your bodily systems so you can heal and function properly.
Carry or wear one of these stones if you are in despair or want to hold positive thoughts for an outcome of a situation, as moonstone is known to bring hope.
The stone is the token gem of the moon goddess Diana, and is said to make men be more at ease with the feminine aspects of their personality.
If you are trying to learn more about yourself or to grow as a person, use a moonstone as your personal totem so you can view yourself more clearly.
Moonstones represent the phases of life. It is considered a woman's stone partially because, just as the moon has its lunar cycles, she endures a monthly cycle of menstruation.
This is the stone to wear if you are trying to increase your intuition, or if you are telling fortunes for others.