How to Use Orgone
Things You'll Need
- Pentel RSVP pen Metal dust (very small shavings) Beeswax Quartz crystal -- 3/16th of an inch wide Oven mitt Toothpicks Small glass measuring cup Microwave oven Old jar (short enough for the pen to stand up inside)
Using Orgone
Take your Pentel pen apart by unscrewing the bottom and removing the ink shaft. Stand the top part up in your old jar with the open end up (for filling).
Melt the beeswax in the microwave and before it hardens back up, stir in the metal shavings and pour the mixture into the open bottom of your pen. (Use your oven mitts while handling the hot measuring glass.) Most metal fabricators will give you metal dust for free or very inexpensively.
Slip your crystal into the pen (the top of your crystal toward the pointy end of the pen) and complete filling the pen all the way to the top. Allow the wax to harden before lifting the pen (wax may run out the pointy end if it is still liquid).
Screw the end back on the pen and allow the pen to cool completely. This is an orgone crystal wand.
Charge your wand by placing it outside in nature for 24 hours (in the crook of a large tree is good).
Use your orgone crystal wand by moving it along the site of an injury on your body. The orgone crystal wand is directional so aim the pointy end at the injury. The wand converts dead orgone (negative) to live orgone (positive) and it collects or attracts large amounts of this energy inside the pen.
Prevent discharge of your orgone crystal wand by storing the wand in a high orgone condition (nature) and away from electricity and wireless devices.