Healing Properties of Labradorite

Labradorite is a gray feldspar mineral that occasionally has brilliant flashes of color that are suggestive of the aurora borealis. This remarkable effect is also called schiller or labradorescence. The flashes tend to be blue, green, and yellow, and can only be seen when the stone is moved to catch the correct angle. The primary producer of this mineral is Labrador, Canada, from which the stone got its name. When mined, the stone has a gray color, but the crystals can be transparent or translucent.
  1. History

    • Labradorite was first discovered by Moravian missionaries in 1770, although older Inuit peoples speak of a legend where a brave Inuit warrior struck the stone with his spear and created the northern lights, according to Technology Info Mine.com. As noted by Mineral Miners.com, Labradorite is said to reduce anxiety, depression, and feelings of hopelessness. It cleanses the psyche of negative thoughts and feelings. It is associated with regulation of the metabolism and assisting with digestion. It is also used to encourage healing of eye problems.

    Brain Disorders

    • Perhaps because of its unique flashes and unusual coloration, labradorite is strongly associated with brain processes. It clarifies thinking, acts to reduce thinking errors, assists with brain and mental health disorders, and is identified with encouraging positivity, prosocial behavior, cooperation, and bringing thoughts and feelings into balance. Because of these processes of strength-giving, it is valued and used to combat sensations of weakness, both physical and emotional, and to assist in the manifestation of goals. By clarifying thinking, the stone is thought to reduce the impulsive actions caused by false illusions, and for this reason, it is considered to be a very powerful stone.


    • Labradorite has also been discovered in Finland, but Canada remains the center for production of quality labradorite stones. Raw labradorite stones of golf-ball size or larger are shaped by hand in India into merkabahs (said to be an ancient Egyptian term meaning "rotating fields of light"), according to Healing Crystals.com. Merkabahs are tetrahedron forms that match the sacred geometry shape of the human energy field. Healing work done with labradorite merkabahs delves into healing of the psyche and emotional states, strengthening the intuitive, and assisting individuals in transformative realizations on their paths toward enlightenment.


    • Chief among the attributes generally given to labradorite is its ability to calm, center, and ground the person holding or wearing the stone. This feature is experienced as protective and welcoming, like a natural shield against negativity from people and circumstances. It allows the individual to displace anxiety-producing thinking with pragmatic and reasoned cognition. For this reason, many people wear labradorite when they know they are approaching a situation or individual who is operating in a stressed state. The calming effect of the stone allows the individual to retain control and not be drawn into inappropriate responses. This is understood as a type of self-learning given by the stone to its wearer, assisting, aiding, or even healing impulsivity processes that produce self-injury.


    • Practitioners and enthusiasts of gemstone therapy often collect a series of stones that they feel are essential tools in the promotion of healing and wellness. Labradorite is among those stones that are identified as strongly useful, as well as beautiful.

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