Green Amethyst Healing
What is Green Amethyst?
Green amethyst is most often artificially formed by heat treating amethyst. It can be found naturally, though it is uncommon. A member of the quartz family, green amethyst is a popular and affordable gemstone with metaphysical healing properties.
Metaphysical Properties of Green Amethyst
Green amethyst is praised as a natural attractor of prosperity. Use it to draw abundance to you in any of your financial ventures.
The heart chakra (or fourth chakra) is supported by green crystals and gems, including the green amethyst. Look to the green amethyst for aid in forgiving others, accepting situations that may be difficult and experiencing harmony in your life. Green amethyst can also help you to balance emotions and welcome a greater sense of peace.
Green amethyst can support your body during a detoxification process by helping the body to release toxicity. In times of physical crisis, the benefits of the green amethyst can assist in the healing process, specifically regarding issues related to the heart and lungs.
Spiritually, emotionally and physically, green amethyst provides support on every level. Green Amethyst is helpful in lightening mood, enhancing the spirit and attracting positive energy. Green amethyst is an overall multipurpose healing stone.
How to Use Green Amethyst
Keep a green amethyst stone in your coin purse or pocket to draw financial abundance into your life. Place the stones in locations around your home where you balance your checkbook, or wherever you spend time thinking about and handling money.
For emotional and spiritual healing, keep green amethyst with you during your meditation, or in a pouch around your neck to wear throughout the day.
For physical healing, place green amethyst directly onto the skin over the area that needs support.
For general use, green amethyst may be kept in a decorative bowl in your home or office so that the stones are within reach and can emit their healing energies as they are needed.