How to Meditate with Healing Crystals
Things You'll Need
- Yoga mat or blanket Pillow Hematite Carnelian Citrine Amazonite Rose quartz Blue lace agate Amethyst Clear quartz
Placing the Stones
Place the hematite, which is your black stone, on your base chakra. Your base chakra is in the pelvic region.
Lay the carnelian stone, a reddish-orange stone, on your spleen chakra. The spleen chakra is between your base chakra and belly button.
Place the yellow citrine stone on your solar plexus, which is just above your belly button. The solar plexus is considered your "center."
Lay the amazonite and rose quartz, the green and pink stones, respectively, in the center of your chest so that they are aligned with your heart. This is your heart chakra.
Place the blue lace agate on your throat chakra in the center of your throat.
Put the amethyst, the purple stone, on your third eye chakra. The third eye is located between your eyes, on your forehead.
Place the crystal quartz on the pillow behind your bed. This is your crown chakra.
Crystal Meditation
Breathe in and out slowly until it feels like your body is sinking into the floor. Visualize your heartbeat slowing down and your body beginning to float.
Imagine a sun above your head and a bright white light emanating all around you. Visualize a gold and silver cord twining down your spine and into the earth like the roots of a tree.
Visualize a red flower, like a lotus, opening at your base chakra. Imagine the flower opening wider and wider and a wheel of red light circling toward the sky. Breathe in the white light from the sun through the center of the flower, let it collect any problems you are having at home, and imagine them being released as you breathe out the white light through the center. You will repeat this for each chakra.
Imagine a bright orange flower opening at your spleen chakra. Breathe the white light from the sun in and out through the chakra, and imagine it releasing any physical pain in your body.
Open a yellow flower at your solar plexus, or center. Use the white light to release problems with self-esteem, or energy. Visualize the white light filling your body with energy and willpower.
Visualize a green flower with a pink center opening at your heart chakra. Here you can release negative emotions and negative energies in your relationships.
Imagine a blue flower opening at your throat chakra and a blue light twirling towards the sky. Breathe in the white light of the sun until the center of the throat chakra becomes a white light. Release problems with creative expression or communication as you breathe the light out.
At your third eye, open an indigo flower in your imagination. Awaken your intuition and psychic abilities by breathing in the white light.
Visualize a silvery white lotus opening at your third eye. Use the white light to connect to the universe. Visualize all the colored energies of the chakras creating a rainbow around you.
Gently close each chakra by visualizing the flowers closing and disappearing into your body one by one. Begin with the crown chakra, and work your way down. Feel all the chakras spinning in perfect unison. Open your eyes when you're ready.