How to Heal Your Body With Crystals

Crystals are made up of minerals, as are our bodies. Therefore, there is a natural affinity between crystals and humans. Although they look like simple stones, crystals are anything but. Rather, they are filled with vibrating energy, energy that we can harness to heal our bodies. Many miraculous healings have been reported with the use of crystals. With a little bit of practice, you, too, can learn to heal your body with crystals. Here is how you can do that.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 large white quartz crystal
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  1. How to Heal Your Body With Crystals

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      Go to a quiet place, alone, where you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes. Stand in the center of the floor.

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      Pick up a large white quartz crystal.

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      Drop your arms down to your sides, holding the crystal in your right hand

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      Close your eyes.

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      Imagine a white light coming up from the floor.. Imagine it traveling through your feet, up through your legs, up to your stomach and through your chest. Imagine it traveling down your arms and out your hands. Imagine the light traveling out of your right hand and through the crystal. Imagine the crystal glowing with the light. “Feel” it getting warm.

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      Touch: When you feel your crystal getting almost too hot to hold, touch it to the part of your body that needs healing. Feel the heat penetrating your skin. Imagine the crystal healing your body.

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      Bring the crystal up to your face, holding it about an inch away from your eyes. Slowly move it down your body, over your neck and then over your heart and your solar plexus, your abdomen and then your pelvis. This movement will totally cleanse your chakras of any negative energy.

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      Repeat this crystal healing ritual once a week for perfect health.

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