How to Pick Out a Crystal
Learn about crystals and what they symbolize and can help you with. For example, quartz is a great general healing crystal. It comes in a variety of types (i.e. rose, smoky) so researching what each variation does is important.
Decide on what kind of crystal you are looking for. Sometimes it's easier to do this in the store than beforehand.
At the store, run your hand over top of the crystals but do not touch them. The crystal you are supposed to get will "call out" to you. You may feel a tingling in your fingers or hand or there may be one that you can't stop looking at and no matter what, you keep coming back to it--that is your crystal.
Once you get it home you will have to cleanse it. This will release any energy obtained from other people touching it. Put your crystal in a bowl of salt water for 24 hours, then put it in the sunlight for another 24 hours. After that it will be cleansed and recharged for your use.