How to Use Quartz Crystal for Health
Things You'll Need
- Quartz crystal
- Information on the proper use and techniques of using crystals
Talk to owners of metaphysical shops in your area to learn about the effects that quartz crystals have on health. The shop owners will be able to guide you in finding the correct crystals for your needs.
Read books on the power of using crystals for health reasons such as "Crystal Power, Crystal Healing" by Michael Gienger, which is available at local bookstores or online at Amazon.
Visit websites such as Reiki for Holistic Health to learn about the powerful healing benefits of quartz crystals and how to choose and cleanse them the proper way so they can be used for health benefits.
Attend workshops on quartz crystal healing and health benefits to learn the proper techniques used in gemstone therapy.
Contact a holistic or alternative health center to find locations where you can receive professional quartz crystal therapy treatments from a healing arts, or crystal healing, practitioner.
Search the Internet for articles on how to use quartz crystals for self-healing at websites such as Site Worx Gemmagic Colour (see link in Resources) to learn how to balance your own energy fields.
Purchase chakra tuned singing quartz crystal bowls, to experience their health benefits. You'll find them online at websites such as Crystal Bowls Discount.