How to Differentiate Kinds of Healing Crystals
Differentiate the Kinds of Healing Crystals
Look for purple stones called amethysts. These are commonly employed to treat blood sugar imbalance, nightmares and anger. They are said to be spiritually uplifting and can help cultivate psychic powers.
Seek blue-green aquamarine stones. They are great for anxiety reduction, the heart and immune system, and cultivating joy and creativity.
Stop dieting and use coral stones to increase metabolism instead! Also, these pink or reddish stones are great for the muscles, blood and the heart. The spine and reproductive system also benefit.
Nurture your spirit with diamonds. They are best known to enhance clarity, confidence and trust.
Leave the emeralds to the ladies! They are especially beneficial during childbirth; but anyone can use them for depression, insomnia, eyesight and peace of mind.
Reduce inflammation with blue sapphires. They also build intuition and rid the body of nosebleeds and fever.
Attract wealth and longevity with jade. This usually green stone works wonders for the heart, thymus and kidneys as well as emotional balance, harmony and justice.
Cleanse the blood with red rubies. They also treat infections and impotency while stimulating circulation, menses, love, leadership, and serve to intensify your emotions.
Be in a better place and align yourself with rose quartz. It's ideal for creating emotional healing, peace, forgiveness and kindness.
Use Different Kinds of Crystals for Healing
Determine which crystals you need for your present affliction. Visit the Mystical Soup Web site for a complete list of stones and their healing specialties (see Resources below).
Pay attention to the number of facets or planes on each stone. Even numbers are great energizers while odd numbers are best for healing.
Know the general color guidelines. Red, yellow and orange stones will energize you, while blue and violet will calm your senses.